Perast tour

Perast Tour

23. 04. 2024.

Perast is the most beautiful example of baroque construction on the Adriatic coast. Wondering between 19 palaces, which today witness the former size and wealth, we continue walking to the main square where we can see the church of St. Nicholas built in the XVII century. Immediately by the old church there is a bell tower from 1691, 55 m high. The church is richly painted with Tripo Kokolja’s paintings. It consists of a rich treasury, precious textile for ecclesiastical rites from the 16th and 17th century.

Perast has been sea and maritime since ancient times, the city has a shipyard for the 14th century, which operated until the XIX century. A maritime school is known, where Peter the Great sent the sons of famous noble families to be trained at the famous sailor and mathematician Marko Martinović. Perast also had duty-free trade with the Republic of Venice.

The most famous symbols of Perast are the islands of Sv. Djordje and Gospa od Škrpjela. Sv. Djordje is a natural island, and today’s church was built in the 17th, and  until 1866 it was the city cemetery.

The island with the church of Our Lady of the Skrpelj was founded in the fifteenth century when the icon of the Virgin with the child was found on the rocks. Continuous throwing of stones and sinking of old ships to the sea artificially built the island. Today’s church was built in 1860. The famous Peraški painter from the 17th century Tripo Kokol painted the church. In the church itself there are 2000 venerable silver tiles, each plaque is a sign of gratitude to Perastan for victory over the various difficulties.

The seamen had a habit of gratitude, returning from distant journeys, living and healthy to bring gifts of porcelain, gold, silver, and so on. Among the most impressive and most interesting devotional gifts is the gift that the church vowed Jacinta Kunic from Perast waiting for his seaman’s husband to return from distant trips.

To find out what kind of gift it is, you must come…